Monday, 1 April 2013

I've really forgave her-no doubt~

I write this post just to express the feeling of forgiving someone. I'd going through some part of life where there was some kind of back stabber. I'm really shock at the moment I knew. I became speechless and best of all I became quiet,only few words that came out from my mouth and I just felt that the trust that I've had over her was crushed into pieces. But then I could just forgave her. I don't know where was the strength came and how could I gather the patience and the strength together to forgave someone that just wanted me to vanished from my joyful life. I've forgave her for the mistake she did. I just hope that she is regretting her doing. I pray the best for me, my family and my friends including her. And I think this is the best for all of us, forgiving others for their mistakes and just move on your life to a better way. Insya-Allah, the journey of your life will be meaningful and blessed. At this point of life, I've started to realized that Allah really test His servant not more than what they're able to face.
If there's only one piece of all my memories that I could be able to remember, I would choose to remember the toughest period of my life so that I'll never forget that:
*My parents had tried their best just to heal me when I really fall sick,they never gave up on me and yes, I got better, I'm alive with no such pain..
*My family always beside me when I feel almost like dying.. With them, I'm stronger than I thought..
*The closest friend would be the greatest enemy somehow;she hurted me in such way I don't ever expect!

-Forgiving is much easier than forgetting. I've already forgave her for the mistake she did but I'll never forget the pain that i'd going through, the tears of my family and mine..-

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