Saturday 1 June 2013

Missing the holiday mood~

I'm busy to complete my Final Year Project and I don't even return to my hometown during the mid-term break and also for Gawai break. But luckily I'm not celebrating Gawai festival..;) Refer back to the title I'd put above; Yeah, I'm missing the holiday mood... I just love to relax myself from any stress~ ;) xoxo~
Here are some pics from my last holiday~

These pics were took at Pulau Payar, Langkawi..
I'm having so much fun there.. Thanks to the snorkelling guide who accompany me during the snorkelling time..~

These pics were took at Pantai Chenang, Langkawi..~

View of Dataran Lang, Langkawi at night~

Time to back home.. Peppero is a must to buy before going back ;) Thanks to my sister for the fun time at Langkawi..xoxo~

Spending time with my family at Tasik Beris Vineyard~

Having dinner at Pantai Merdeka with my uncles, aunties and my little cousins after went back from Tasik Beris Vineyard~

Wish to spend these fun time again~;)

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