Saturday 29 December 2012

I'm touch..really!

There is no such words that I could explain to all of you, my wonderful friends for making me sooo touch on my 23rd birthday. Never thought that you guys will give me such a unpredictable surprise party with all the "busy2" things that we all should do at the last week of the semester (assignment,lab report,proposal etc.). Honestly thanks to all of you.. I'm glad that I know I still have friends whose sincerely taking care of me..

This cute birthday card was made by acap, eben n mira.. butterfly tu eben yg buatkn..:D Dlm card ni ada ucapan2 dari semua yg celebrate my b'day smlm..

B'day card made by Meer.. So cute that it shows my characters..

Reading the card made me smile and laugh.. But actually I'm touch..:')

Donashi for my b'day..really cute right..?hehe..

This Californian Almond donut is my favourite. My friends said that the chef cook by himself and give it for free. Just like it was sponsored by Big Apple to give it to me.. Haha..

Ni mkanan2 yg dimasak sdiri oleh my friends. Agar2 rambutan Mumu a.k.a the mastermind yg buatkn.. Bihun yg pnuh ditabur dgn daun sup tu Fizz yg masak (thanks sgt even Fizz xde time celebrate tu).

Makan time:

Suap mastermind dulu..;)

My housemate, kak Fida yang tak pernah kluar sama2 ngn kitorg pun celebrate my b'day that night..tq..:D

Nak mkan pun sempat nak posing b'gambar dengan I ye Eben..hee~:)

Dah mula nk posing2 b'gambar lpas mkn:

Bajet princess la sgt..hehe..

Peace ya! ;)

Present from Fizz..Kinder Bueno..Yummy..;)~

This bracelet made by Eben (meaning the beads and the arrangement of the beads to make it a bracelet was made by him) It is ceramic beads actually.. Eben made that beads during his Industrial Training. Thank you Eben..;)

This is the combination pics made by Mumu that was paste in the b'day card.. Cantik.. Love it!;D
The best part is, the b'day was celebrated dekat court sepak takraw a.k.a court bdminton we all time court dlm pusat sukan dah full..hehe..unik kan smbut kt court spak takraw..;)
Thanks a lot to all of you.. You all are wonderful.. Love you all..xoxo..
Lots of love,

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