Thursday 11 April 2013

A mistake is to correct not to judge~

When I did a mistake, let me know so that I'll correct it,
Never rush to judge me with my mistake,
Never compare my mistake with others because all of us have our own life journey,
Thus, we are differ.
You might never know what I'd gone through this while,
You might never know how strong I'd been.
You might have experience the bitter of life less than I'd,
So stop judging me.
Stop comparing me with others too.
I'm neither the subject of your observation nor your experimental sample.
You should give me advises or ask me why I'm doing that instead of comparing me or judging me.
I'll feel honoured if you do that.

“By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship -

“There's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater,you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.”
― Dave Barry -

~hate to be judged~

Wednesday 10 April 2013

No tired word in the Friendship Dictionary~

2 days ago my housemate, Meer and I were accompany our course mates, Tirah and Ayu going to Unisel at Bestari Jaya and Tanjung Karang. First we were going to Unisel to send a sample of seawater from Ayu’s Final Year Project (FYP) to check whether the sample contains spirulina or not and it was already confirmed that there’s no spirulina in the sample and the sample only contains the common algae. That was unfortunate. But what was fortunate is that Mr. Azman who was the one that willing to help checking the sample was giving Ayu the pure powder of spirulina, S.platensis powder that was bought from United States to used for her FYP. Mr. Azman, you are really awesome, so kind and you’ve already made me impressed with your research and knowledge regarding spirulina. And what was really impressed me is that I still could find the kind person like you that willing to help my friend even both of you not know each other.
After that, we were heading to Tanjung Karang to take paddy from the paddy field for Tirah’s FYP. At first she was refused to go taking the sample because she said that it will be too late for us to go back to Shah Alam before Maghrib for break the fast as Meer and I were fasting. But then I said to Tirah “It’s ok Tirah. Since we are already here, so why not we just going there? So, you don’t have to come here again just to take your sample. It just wastes time.” Meer and Ayu both agree with my words. So, we then were heading to paddy fields at Tanjung Karang to take paddy. Ayu was the one that really excited to see the paddy field. She really was enjoy with that place..:D For me, I just feel like going back to my hometown, Pendang as my region is the place of paddy plantation and even my state called “State of Paddy Field”. After taking the paddy, we were heading back to Shah Alam.
It was already Athan for Maghrib prayer after 10 minutes we got into the car and also meaning that Meer and I could already break our fast. We just drink mineral water bought by Tirah and some candies. At that time, Tirah and Ayu said sorry to us because they said because of ‘em we were not able to reach Shah Alam before Maghrib. Actually they keep said sorry on our way to Unisel until we were heading back. Tirah and Ayu, it is really okay for me to accompany you girls.. It was me who willing to accompany you. So, please do not make it look like you’re dragging me to go there, okay? There’s no reason why both of you need to apologize..;)
After we reached Shah Alam, we heading to Seksyen 13 to have a dinner and as for Meer and me, of course to break our fasting in a proper way, with good foods..:)
Here are some pics that I’ve took for this half day trip..

The paddy field..

Meer, Tirah and Ayu...

Ayu, the one who really got excited..She really enjoy the scene~

Me too..haha..;)

Done on taking paddy..

Had dinner at Le Lac Seksyen 13 Shah Alam.. nice place to eat~


beef satay and chicken satay.. both delicious..

done eating..

After the dinner, we were going to our faculty to send the paddy to the laboratory..
I'm grateful that I always have a passion to help others and the feeling of satisfaction when I could help people especially people around me~

Monday 1 April 2013

I've really forgave her-no doubt~

I write this post just to express the feeling of forgiving someone. I'd going through some part of life where there was some kind of back stabber. I'm really shock at the moment I knew. I became speechless and best of all I became quiet,only few words that came out from my mouth and I just felt that the trust that I've had over her was crushed into pieces. But then I could just forgave her. I don't know where was the strength came and how could I gather the patience and the strength together to forgave someone that just wanted me to vanished from my joyful life. I've forgave her for the mistake she did. I just hope that she is regretting her doing. I pray the best for me, my family and my friends including her. And I think this is the best for all of us, forgiving others for their mistakes and just move on your life to a better way. Insya-Allah, the journey of your life will be meaningful and blessed. At this point of life, I've started to realized that Allah really test His servant not more than what they're able to face.
If there's only one piece of all my memories that I could be able to remember, I would choose to remember the toughest period of my life so that I'll never forget that:
*My parents had tried their best just to heal me when I really fall sick,they never gave up on me and yes, I got better, I'm alive with no such pain..
*My family always beside me when I feel almost like dying.. With them, I'm stronger than I thought..
*The closest friend would be the greatest enemy somehow;she hurted me in such way I don't ever expect!

-Forgiving is much easier than forgetting. I've already forgave her for the mistake she did but I'll never forget the pain that i'd going through, the tears of my family and mine..-

Got allergic~

Allergic??? I don't know what I'm allergic of but I just suddenly got something like rashes on my chin and they got swollen. My left upper lip also got swollen. One of my friend said my lips look sexy like Angie Jo (yeah,but only 1/3 of Angie Jo lips because only left upper lips got swollen~I'm sure you could imagine that..haha..)My hand and legs also feel itchy and there were like rashes on 'em.
At first i just think that my skin will gonna be okay. I put the Dettol on my chin because that was the most itchy and swollen part and wow..sangat2 lah pedih ok..haha..padan muka saya! But after a while I feel better. After few hours I need to put again the Dettol and had to bear the same feeling again..:D The next day I still felt very itchy and the rashes look red and swollen a bit but the swollen on the left upper lip got better. So I decided to go to UiTM Health Centre to see a doctor. The doctor said that I've got an allergic and she advises me to get injection and after that get some medicine from the pharmacy.
The nurse asked me which hand that I use fro writing and I answer the right hand. Then,she suggest to inject on the left hand. I was thinking at that time is it too much pain that made her asked the question. And, yes, it is...I could felt the pain deep to my muscle cell I thought. After that the nurse said that the fluid of the injection was really passed through the muscle and not through the blood. So I wonder that is why the pain was really great to the point that even with a soft touch of my own palm, I'll feel the pain. Thank God that the allergic symptoms was gone but I still do not know what is that I'm allergic of..Maybe I'm just allergic to see the selfish people..;)

2 days after I got the allergic... it looks like it is nothing but if you zoom out the chin, you'll see the rashes that I told before. At this time I was accompany my sister went shopping ;)

Medicine to apply to my skin.. Elomet for face only,Fobancort for body and aqeous cream to moisturize the skin especially the chin as Elomet has a mild steroid that will cause the dryness of the skin..

~Alhamdulillah that the allergic got better~