Thursday 21 March 2013

Keep hoping..

I post this entry just to remind me and others who are reading this to have a hope in whatever you want. Hope does not means that you just sit there and do nothing but it is more to give you motivation along with your action. I do have hope. In fact, I have many hopes. And the best thing is I never lose 'em. I don't want to lose 'em(the hopes). you know why?? If I lose 'em, then I'll live like someone with no passion, no direction, no soul.. For me, hope is need to go along with dreams because they are complementary to each other either you realized it or not. Let say, you have a very big dream and you pursue for it. But then you will easily give up because you don't have hope to keep your patience to achieve your dream. We do need hope.. Hope prevents us to be easily give up to what we want to get or to have. So, starting today, never lose hope..
Love to share with you these quotes :

*Keeping hopes and strength just to keep moving on..

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