Saturday 30 March 2013

They are part of me..;) luv u olz..!

This is a special post to all my friends that had already share the good times as well as the hard times with me.. Bak kata orang, susah senang bersama-sama.. All the pics actually dah lama di'snap'. Tapi disebabkan post kali ni I 'dedicate'kan special to all my friends, then here are part (maybe only a piece;coz we really have a lot of memories together) of the memories that I've had with 'em..
Pic2 ni time dip and degree.. Dip at Kolej Unikop Kuala Lumpur and degree at UiTM Shah Alam. Enjoy~:

Semua pics yang kat atas tu time dip..of course la ada byk sgt lagi pics, tp xkan nk upload semua plak kn..pnat la..hehe.. So that's all utk di'upload'.. ;) Enjoy pic2 time degree lak..~

This is Aqidah a.k.a Kutai..membe dr dip dulu..Sgt happening be her friend.. Thank ya tumpangkan rumah sewa you utk I menumpang lepas kena check out dari Melati..:)

Boring2 lepak kat tasik a.k.a tempat shooting utk cerita Mandarin..hehe~


Melawat Yana and Atin kat Pilah since kitorg dipisahkan..huhu.. Beli kek untuk celebrate b'day sweet..;)

Ain dah konvo tuk degree sem lepas.. Congratz gurl..;)~

Jalan2 lepak2 kat Morib...

SAF..I'm athlete for lawn bowl.. Actually cari pics time Piala Dekan 2 sem lepas coz time Piala Dekan tu I wakil Biomol dlm basketball and netball (basketball dpt no 2 ok..hehe..) tp mne ntah pics tu..huhu..

my classmates..

Melaka~ Kat masjid Selat.. Singgah solat Asar lepas teman Sab pegi amek sampel tanah..

That's all pics2 yg I think I've never post before.. Ada pic2 yang xcntik but I still post it because for me it's not about the perfection of the pic, but the happiness behind those pic..;)
Luv you, all of my friends~xoxo

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