Sunday 24 March 2013

One whole day~ (23/3/13) Part 1

People might think that we are such crazy girls... But that's what we are.. ;) Going out our home at 12 noon, came back to home at 8 p.m, then went out again at 10 p.m and came back at 2:30 a.m. Haha... Cool rite..? ;)
Tapi kitorang xde la keluar suka2, melagha(don't know how to spell it well), or did nothing. Actually at the noon we are going to Dewan Komuniti Taman Koperasi Polis Fasa 2 to attend a wedding. It was our warden(mama)'s daughter wedding. Mama bagitau date and invite we all last semester time kitorang pegi melawat warden2 and lecturer2 kat our 'miss a lot place', Kolej Unikop. Here are some pics that we've took. But xb'kesempatan pun nk b'gmbar dengan bride because bride pun sibuk dengan sesi fotografi.. So here are just gpics of my friends and I.. (Kami sgt suka posing2 and taking2 pics ni)~ ;D

Gambar2 nak hilangkan rindu kat Unikop..

Singgah solat kat Masjid Saidina Hamzah located near Unikop College.~Sempat lagi taking2 pics ;D

Balik dari Kl terus dinner at P**** H*** at Sek*.. Teringin nk mkn meatball cheesebaked. Last mkn kt KLCC and it was awesome.. But nothing good (services+foods). Moral of the value, I'll never eat m.c.b there again..
But the pics cover the bad taste of the food..ngee~;D

Zombie gonna eat Sabrina..haha..

One proper girl with the 'xreti duduk diam' one..;p

Sopannye dua gadis ini... Boleh buat jadi menantu ni.. ;)

Ermmm...Better I comment nothing than I comment something about this pic.~

After dinner we went home to perform Maghrib and Isha prayer.. Journey of four girls to be continue with one other girl .. Just four of us for now..

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